Businessolver Blog

Inspiring Philanthropy in the Workplace

Inspiring Philanthropy in the Workplace
Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2023 by Carrie Clogg

Tech with Heart is at the core of what Businessolver does. This expands to our work with the Businessolver Foundation, our philanthropic arm. Here are our top tips for inspiring philanthropic efforts in your organization, big or small. 

Businessolver is proud to include giving back as one of our core values. Through the Businessolver Foundation, our Solvers have the opportunity to support communities with their time, talents, and other resources to further positive impact for mental health, DEI, and STEM education. Our Foundation efforts are a core part of who we are, and we believe improving communities is part of delivering Tech with Heart by giving back to the people we impact day in and day out. 

While a full philanthropic division might not be feasible for all organizations out there, there are ways for employers of any size to give back to their communities. Inspiring philanthropy in your organization can sometimes be a challenge as our lives continue to get busier and time is limited. Here are some recommendations to help get the ball rolling and connect with local non-profits.   

Connect your company’s mission with your community’s needs

Most businesses have some sort of philanthropic goal within their organization. This might include grant programs for non-profits, offering employees volunteer time off or raising money together for a cause.  

Rally around those opportunities and develop ways to connect giving opportunities and your organization’s purpose to your community’s needs. This could be as simple as hosting a meal for those in need, partnering with a local service organization to volunteer labor hours, or even hosting a clothing or gift drive during the holidays.  

Chances are your organization’s mission and values provide plenty of opportunities to give back in meaningful and valuable ways. 

Making giving back a top-down priority

The spirit of giving at the workplace almost always starts with the top. If you look at companies with inspiring CEOs who give on a regular basis, it’s no surprise that the companies they lead also are very invested in corporate philanthropy. Many family-owned businesses take on this trait and we can learn a lot from them. Giving is ingrained in their family dynamic and they take it right into everything they do for their business and pass it on from one generation to the next.  

Developing a culture of giving back can be as simple as sharing a volunteer experience or talking about a cause that you’re passionate about. At Businessolver, we host regular conversations and panels to drive awareness and hear from leaders across the organization about how and where they’re donating their time, expertise, and funds outside of work.  

Be the inspiration 

If your company doesn’t emphasize philanthropy, it doesn’t mean you can’t get something started. Start small! Sometimes the most impactful actions are the simplest.  

Here are a few ideas to get you started: 

  • Hosting a food drive at the office outside of peak holidays; this is also a good opportunity to partner with a local food bank to understand what items they need the most. 
  • Collecting funds for a cause your employees care about, such as local housing support or educational programs. 
  • Packing backpacks or sack lunches for those in need for a few hours with a local organization or partnering with them to make a delivery.  
  • Writing letters to sick kids or seniors in assisted living to bring some cheer and delight to their day.  

Every company, big or small, can have a positive influence in the communities they serve. We can all be philanthropic. While it might seem overwhelming, it does not have to be. Incorporating giving back into your work life can be very rewarding, give it a try!