Businessolver Blog

The Delighted Intern: Finding the Right Internship

The Delighted Intern: Finding the Right Internship
Posted on Monday, June 27, 2016 by Amy Donaghy
Delighted_Intern_Amy.pngSummer is officially here and our Delighted Intern series is back! 


This week, get to know our marketing intern, Amy Donaghy, and learn about her journey of finding the perfect internship.

When I first started my internship search during the late winter of my sophomore year, I stumbled upon a company that immediately caught my attention. The conversational tone and playful attitude on their website was engaging and intrigued me to learn more. I applied and interviewed during the spring of 2015.

Unfortunately, the timing just wasn’t right; I felt that I needed to start out at a smaller company and build my portfolio of work. After interning elsewhere, I realized I had made the right decision when I applied to Businessolver again the following spring and felt more qualified and prepared to jump into this crazy, exciting Businessolver environment. During the interview process this time around, I brought in a printed piece from my body of work that just happened to use the exact same photo which had recently been used in a marketing campaign here. It was a match!

About two months later I nervously showed up for Orientationsolver to learn the basics about what Businessolver does. I expected to learn about employee benefits and HR, however I didn’t expect to meet so many awesome interns – and I definitely didn’t anticipate that we would get as close as we have in such a short amount of time. When I finally got to meet the marketing team near the end of the week, they were very welcoming and I knew that it was going to be a great summer.

Ironically, one of my first assignments was to redesign the Orientationsolver presentations for the incoming new hire classes. While putting them into the new look and feel, I had the opportunity to collaborate with people outside of my team and even the VP of sales. During my orientation experience, it was stressed that everyone in the company has a purpose and responsibility to be constantly seeking to learn and improve the company — I realized very soon that even as an intern, I had the opportunity to influence people’s first impressions of the company and the work that is done here. I had a great orientation experience and I’m even more excited to continue working on projects that grow and improve the company through awesome graphics.