Businessolver Blog

Why Des Moines NICU Supply Drive is My Passion

Why Des Moines NICU Supply Drive is My Passion
Posted on Tuesday, July 2, 2019 by Priscilla Post

I found out at 18 weeks that I was having a boy, that same day I found out the likelihood of him surviving was slim to nothing.

Des Moines NICU Supply Drive

I was giving the option to terminate, but refused. We spent many days and nights within the hospital preparing for his arrival. Once he came he needed a lot of support and stayed in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) his entire first month of life. I was not able to take my baby home, but I didn’t leave empty handed. I was given gifts and supplies while I stayed in the hospital. My hands were full of love and support in the form of gifts from strangers. Some gifts are kept as a memory of a fight they won, others are precious memories of the time spent with their little one. One item that I received was a donated book. Looking back, I lost a lot of experiences with him but I was also able to create lasting memories with a little support from local families. Even if it was something as small as reading a book.

Each year I host a month long NICU supply drive to support local families.

July 18 to August 18.  August 18 is final drop off day at Businessolver headquarters in Des Moines. You can find our office location here

Donations include but are not limited to:

  • Baby Blankets
  • Socks/Booties
  • Hats
  • Bibs
  • Button Up Clothing
  • Small Stuffed Animals
  • Small Toys
  • Cards-Purchased or Homemade
  • Memory Boxes
  • Books
  • Gift Cards: For NICU-Used to purchase replacement items such as swings, bouncers, large items. For Families- Used for gas/food for families who travel for care.
  • Personal Care Items for Parents

** It is very important that items are new, only because babies are staying in the intensive care unit**

For more information please check out the Facebook page here. Or, if you can’t make it to Businessolver to drop off your items, please contact nicusupplydrivedsm at to schedule a pickup or drop off.